Language guide

Arithm uses simple programming language to define complex arithmetic expressions.


Code consists of statements with expressions and variable's names associated with them. Each arithmetic expression is defined as variable which can be used in other expressions. Value of a variable can be printed in console


There are only two statements supported in this language:

  • print <vname>
  • <vname> = <expression>

print prints a result of arithmetic expression corresponding to a given variable and the other one defines a variable

  • <vname> starts with a Latin character, which can be followed by numbers or other letters
  • <expression> consists of numbers, other variables and arithmetic operators such as +, -, *, /, %, ^, ~, (, ), |


  • Num of <BigInt>
  • NVar of <VName>
  • Sum of <Expression * Expression>
  • Sub of <Expression * Expression>
  • Mul of <Expression * Expression>
  • Div of <Expression * Expression>
  • Rem of <Expression * Expression>
  • Pow of <Expression * Expression>
  • Bin of <Expression>
  • Abs of <Expression>

Existing of NVar expression means that a variable can be used in expressions. Another expressions are self-exlanatory


This is a list of available operators and corresponding expressions:

  • + - sum; Sum
  • - - subtract; also acts as unary minus if immediatly followed by number Sub
  • * - multiply Mul
  • / - integer division Div
  • % - remainder division Rem
  • ^ - power Pow
  • ~ - converts a number to its binary representation Bin
  • (, ) - brackets to control operation priority
  • | - acts as brackets while returning an absolute value of expression Abs

Code example

x = |12 - 7 * 8| / -3
y = 8 - x
print y
  • All code can be written in a single string